Barnes Squared

Barnes Squared NPC

Make a Difference
Non-Profit Company (NPC) Registration: 2019/098846/08 | Public Benefit Organisation (PBO): 930066314

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An online platform that allows you to donate and make contributions that will have a positive impact!

We help those in need

  • Real People Making a Real Difference
    Let Us Work Together
    We Spread Smiles
    Help Us...Help Others

  • This online platform provides a simple 3 step process which allows us to make a real difference. So let us work together!

    Step 1:

    You donate any amount that you choose!

    Step 2:

    We distribute your donations to those in need!

    Step 3:

    We provide quarterly feedback relating to the impact of your donations!

    Follow Us!

    Thank you to all those who help us make a difference!